
Your last chance against identity theft

Nowadays, your chances that part of your personal information circulating on the dark web is high. But whatever if it’s the case or not, you need to take all the necessary action to prevent that as much as possible by using different techniques explained in many articles on our websites. But when the worse happens …

why use a password manager

1st, let’s start with what makes your password management vulnerable to hackers. : Failure to change passwords frequently enough Failure to create completely different passwords for every app/service/site Failure to dream up sufficiently secure/complex alphanumeric combinations Storing passwords in an unencrypted browser Failure to log out of websites before leaving your device All of the …

why use a password manager

1st, let’s start with what makes your password management vulnerable to hackers. : Failure to change passwords frequently enough Failure to create completely different passwords for every app/service/site Failure to dream up sufficiently secure/complex alphanumeric combinations Storing passwords in an unencrypted browser Failure to log out of websites before leaving your device All of the …

How to remove virus from your computer

If your computer is slow as Hell! it usually happens because of a nasty virus or a malware running on your computer So there is a clear trend these days. Your Online Security and Privacy is at risk ! Are you taking this seriously? One reason why your computer could be slow might be because …